Ji-Young Min, M.Sc.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiteirn | Doktorandin

Psychology in the Learning Sciences


Leopoldstraße 13

Raum 3103

80802 München



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Leopoldstraße 13 | Postfach 64

80802 München

Research focus and interests

Current research projects

  • Many Teachers Emotions: a cross-cultural study on teachers' emotions and well-being outcomes
  • Emotional response coherence: Relationship between subjective emotional experiences and physiological responses in the achievement Context

Research interests

  • Emotions, emotional intelligence, and emotional well-being
  • Relationships between psychological health and physiological processes
  • Computational modeling of psychological and behavioral processes


Since 09/2024
Doctoral student in Psychology & Research assistant at LMU Munich
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anne Frenzel
Student research assistant at the FEEL Lab at LMU Munich
M.Sc. in Psychology - Learning Sciences (distinction)
Thesis: "Do Emotions Come in a Package? Exploring Emotional Response Coherence in an Achievement Context using a Network Psychometrics Approach"
Applied work experiences in various fields, including consumer research and AI industry (for details, please refer to the LinkedIn profile page)
M.Sc. in Business Administration at the University of Amsterdam
BBA in Business Management at the Stenden University of Applied Sciences

Scholarships & Awards

  • 09/2024 - The MCLS Student Award for Academic Achievement
  • 01/2024 - The MCLS Student Award for the Best Poster in the Cohort of 2022's Empirical Projects

Publications & Conference papers

  • Min, J., Wünsch, M., Eckerskorn, F., & Frenzel, A. C. (2025, March 09-11; submission currently accepted). Do Emotions Come in a Package? Exploring Emotional Response Coherence using a Psychometric Network Approach [Poster presentation]. TeaP 2025 (the annual meeting of the General Psychology Section of the German Psychological Society), Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Wünsch, M., Min, J., Eckerskorn, F., & Frenzel, A. C. (2024, November 25-27). Relation between Physiological and Self-Report Measures of Achievement Emotions – A Psychometric Network Approach [Paper presentation, invited symposium]. EARLI SIG27 Conference, Trondheim, Norway.
  • Wünsch, M., Min, J., Eckerskorn, F., & Frenzel, A. C. (2024, September 16-19). The Inner Values Count: Inter- and Intra-Individual Relations between Psychophysiology and Self-Reported Achievement Emotions; Poster presentation. Biannual Meeting of the German Association of Psychology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs), Vienna, Austria.